Tag Archives: warm

Thirsty Thursday – Crock Pot White Hot Chocolate

We’ve been having a brutally cold January around here (Polar Vortex, ring any bells?), and we are still working on rehabbing our almost 100 year old house; which means that we need a beverage that will keep us warm, but doesn’t have to be fussed with every 5 minutes.  I decided that there had to be a recipe somewhere for crock pot hot chocolate.  So where do I look for something that isn’t in one of my regular cookbooks?  Why, what’s that you say?  Pinterest?  Never heard of it…  Ha Ha Ha!  I found a great recipe for Crock Pot Caramel White Hot Chocolate!

It’s super simple, and was a great addition to a busy day of DIY home renovations!  First while Gwen was gathering the painting supplies, I got the ingredients to make the cocoa together.  The recipe calls for 8 oz. premium white baking chocolate, 4 cups of milk, 1 tbsp. of vanilla, caramel and marshmallows for garnishing.

White Hot Chocolate Ingredients

Once I had everything together, I poured the milk into the slow cooker and broke the chocolate into smaller chunks and dumped it into the milk.  Then I added the vanilla and stirred everything to combine.

add the milk  then the baking chocolate  don't forget the vanilla

We left it simmering on low for about 4 hours, stirring it every time someone walk through the kitchen.  When we had finished our first coat of paint, and were ready for a break, we came down and assembled a nice warm mug of the yummy cocoa. Don’t forget to add a spoonful of caramel and a bunch of marshmallows…

add some caramel  then the cocoa  top with marshmallows

It was great, and according to Gwen it will work really well as a creamer to add to coffee.

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Filed under hunting for a new home, thirsty thursday